Yesterday afternoon (14/11/2016) as I was driving back home,I drove close to 12km in
the hail storm,my mind went into panic mode,I couldn't even feel my
legs.I thought maybe i must turn back or park along the road but I
decided to switch my music and listen to Sonnie Badu- Covenant Keeping
God.As it intensified i started calling upon Jehovah,my mind was telling
me that only my attitude will take me out of this storm and I won't lie
I was tempted to sing "Tatana wa vitana"as "a ndzi vona sirha
ri ahlamile".As the song was playing,I reminded God that He promised
after the Noah flood never to sweep us so I aint gonna die. I realized
that my car won't shield me as the hail was big to even break the
windscreen,the wind to heavy to blow the car,lighting stroke so hard
then I said Lord my trust is in you and You Who have promised,You are
always faithful. I reacted normally under those circumstances and as I approached Kiel I saw light and I knew that the storm is over.
When I got home I sat in my car before going into the house,reflecting what
has happened and I was motivated that if i passed the physical storm I
will also pass the life storms. We serve Jehovah Adonai,He doesn't sleep nor slumber, He is always watching over us.
Now I have a new mindset, I have learned
to give it all to God. It is just a storm,it is not permanent.Trust in
the Lord and lean not on your own understanding,this scripture I have
lived it yesterday. May this testimony change someone who is facing a
storm in their life, marriage,career, finances "It is not permanent,hold
on to God and do not waiver". The way I was traumatized I went straight
to bed as my whole being was numb and I couldn't even eat. We serve a
Mighty God,Who doesn't delay when We call upon Him, He arrives just on
Have a blessed Tuesday.
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