Hmmmm,sensitive topic.Well I know but it has to be addressed.One can ask Kulani,what are you talking about.Nowadays Christians have become tourists,we find Christians hopping from one church to another.One can ask why is that so?Honestly speaking I do not know as I am not a hopper myself but I got to ask a lot of people and to my surprise here is some of the answers.A christian sister went to church A and the pastor was preaching and all of sudden the pastor was talking about her and she quit the church.Okay you told the pastor your personal problems and you one day go to church and find the pastor preaching on what it seems is those problems you told him about,does leaving church solve those problems?I personally would not take it as an attack by the pastor cause if he chooses to preach about what I told him and if I open my ears at church I will find my solution and it might also help someone else at church experiencing the very same problem but never got to talk about it and maybe that somebody that day was planning on committing suicide but through the pastor preaching about you,you saved someone else.I am not condoning that pastors preach about us when we tell them our problems but sometimes the holy spirit will prompt the pastor to talk about it so that lives can be won through your experiences.Main mission,we must be fishers of men and fish them alive.....
The Christian sister left church A and now going to church B.At church B you want to be involved in the church stuff.Good as we must work for God but the problem is you want to be given attention and if not,the pastor has favorites then you quit.Okay you had quit church B cause you were not noticed,this is a crying shame as the bible says "God loves a cheerful giver"you are giving with your voice to be loved by the pastor and to be seen.I think you want to be recognized and praised you should go to the pop idols cause in church there is only one mission "to serve God,worship Him in spirit and in truth."
The Christian sister leaves church B and now attends church C.At church C,the pastor have his own attacks e.g divorce.You say I cannot not be led by a divorcee cause the spirit of divorce will be hovering over the church.We must not forget that the pastor is also a human being and when the devil attack,he starts with the head.One can quote the verse in Matthew "can the blind lead the blind"absolutely NO but we must pray for our pastors that the spirit of God be with them everyday of their lives even when it comes to their decision making.So if you leave the church who should uplift this pastor in prayer.The bible teaches us that we must pray for one another.You remember in the word,when the people wanted to stone the prostitute and Jesus said "let he who have no sin cast the first stone",what happened after.
The Christian sister now goes to Church D.At church D,you told the pastor that you have a boyfriend,who you engage sexually with him and the pastor quotes from the bible "fornication is a sin" you are now angry with the pastor and believes that he is judging you and you leave the church.Pastors are here to tell us about Jesus and the eternal life.What does carrying your cross and following Jesus mean?What is the meaning of the blood that was shared on Calvary?The bible says "No one come to the Father but through Me" so aren't we taught that following Jesus means leaving your old ways e.g fornication,stealing etc and living a holy life.What does the word Christian mean?In my understand it means Christ-like so if you call yourself a Christian,you shouldn't look at the pastor's advise as sabotage.The pastor advises you according to the word,didn't he give you reference from the word?One can say but the pastor used to fornicate before he\she came to church,okay you are right but check here BEFORE not NOW that the pastor is in Christ.When the pastor was called to the gospel,he/she repented from all the old ways and now is a new creation.
My point is this,each and every church has it's own politics but hopping from one church to another,what is it that you will benefit at the end.The word reminds us that the coming of the Lord is near.Do you want the Lord to come and still find you exploring churches?Remember He says in His word that "If one or two are gathered in my Name,I am in their mist"so rid yourself from the mentality that there is a powerful church,all churches are powerful cause they gather in His name.As Christians we tend to judge churches,who gave us that permission?Yes the bible tells us that in the last days there will be false preachers but does it says that we are given the right to judge?It is your Christian duty to pray before choosing a church and the spirit of God when you invite it to guide you,it will surely do.What do you gain by bad mouthing pastors or churches?As a Christian you should look at your spiritual walk with God not what other people are doing.
I love this scripture "not all who says Lord,Lord shall inherit the kingdom of heaven."This remind me of scholars,you find friends still in school and they bunk classes and do all these funny stuff but amazingly one learner pass and the other fails.What makes you think made the other to fail and the other to pass whilst they were doing the very same thing?Obvious answer,the one who passed was studying in secret.So it's like Christian hood,other Christians in secret repent and others just goes on and on so one day when you get to heaven do not be surprised to see your friend in heaven and yourself in hell.
Churches shouldn't be used as social gatherings or fashion shows etc.We must respect the house of our Father.He lives there so we ought to give Him all the respect due to His name.Know who you are in Christ and where you want to be with Christ.Church hopping unfortunately it won't strengthen your walk.There is nothing wrong as visiting a church as long as you have a church that you call home,so do not confuse my post.
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