12The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”
The Question God asked was simple and deserved a simple answer which is Yes or No but because it is in the nature for men to be defensive Adam's answer was shifting the blame from him to the wife.
With this being said, let's look at today's living. Men go out and cheat and when caught the first answer is "you pushed me away, you made me do this."
In all honesty men cannot own up to their own wrongdoings, it is always someone who made them do it.I read this scripture over and over again to want to find out where Eve held a weapon against Adam to force him to eat the forbidden fruit and I did not come across it.He was a willing participant.Wives stop making excuses for your cheating husbands saying the other girl seduced him/stole him away from you even if that was the case your husband was also a willing participant or else ofcourse he was raped. We are always fighting with each other, calling each other numbers where else the culprit is being pampered with love and helped hide the misconduct. Oh shame what was my poor husband going to do when that b... threw herself at him? Simple, your poor husband was supposed to have kept his zip up and left with dignity. I always say if he was given love portion, how did he get to eat it? because he gave the woman a chance by eating her food or by being in her company. She is calling him because he gave her numbers and if he did not give her should she call and he refuse to entertain her she will eventually give up but if he entertains her and giving her rules on when to call/sms because he is married he is giving her hope.WOMEN STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR MEN.
Men master the art of brainwashing women. He physically abuses you and blames you. I did not want to do it but you forced me because you cannot shut up.Then you go to your friends and tell them he hit me but I made him do it because I just don't shut up.Real men protect their women, you will bark like a dog and they will look at you and walk away when calm they address the issue.Men will never appreciate women if we continue to MAKE EXCUSES FOR THEM.
Ladies the battle is always won in the mind, men have learnt this and are using it to damage women. As long as we still glorify their wrongs and sweep under the carpet and accept that it is all your fault so that they clear their own conscious we will continue to raise broken spirited women who feel unworthy because they are blamed for everything.
You have an argument he goes out and drink his lungs out,meet up in an accident and guess what?You made me do it, if you did not fight with me I wouldn't have left the house to go and drink like really now what was wrong with him going to bed early when angered? We need women who will say Yes I hear you but you acted the way you did out of your own free will, own up to your choices I am not your dustbin where you will dump all unwanted rotten things I too,I am human and deserve to be respected. You made your bed then lie on it. God even after Adam's answer did not pat him on the back, He punished him.
Let's stop succumbing to abuse.Like I said with men it is in their nature, all we have to do is not allow them to brain wash us into thinking we are at fault and live life with a guilt trip.Every choice you make has consequences whether good or bad. Let's not get used to being abused.People must take accountability of their wrongs, don't carry unnecessary loads it will send you to your early grave.Remember it takes TWO to tango and two wrongs will never make a right. If your husband thinks you did something wrong, he must just talk to you about it not adding fuel to a burning veld.
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