Monday, July 17, 2017

God fulfills His promises

When the devil attacks he forgets who you serve. Our God is Faithful and He always fulfills His promises Romans 4:21. I was attacked to a point that I couldn't pray and I remember heading to the house of the Lord and pouring my heart out to Him. The pain was too deep to a point that I didn't see light in that darkness even a glimpse.

I saw myself losing lots of weight and having insomnia but all I had was my faith. I held on to it knowing that those that put their trust in the Lord He shall never put them to shame (Psalms 25:3-4). I said my Lord may Your Will be done in this situation because if it is my will let this cup pass me by, the thought of it just traumatized me. I knew that this will be a thorn in my soul and living with it would be torture.

I must say that satan at that point had his share of gloating.I just imagined how people will be mocking me saying "they say the pray,where is her God when things are like this?". Today God gave me a testimony, indeed after every storm there is a beautiful rainbow waiting and that rainbow is a covenant that the situation will never ever come back. God gave the Israelites a reassurance that the Egyptians you see today, you shall see them no more (Exodus 14:13) and I am confident that the God I serve started a good work in me that only He can complete and I am grateful for removing this thorn permanently.

I am in awe of my God so Mighty, when satan thought he was finished God stepped in and re-wrote my life and show the devil that you can test her but do not touch her soul. I serve a Faithful God, He doesn't sleep nor slumber. He says when I go through the fire He will be with me, I went through the fire with my Lord and just like Daniel I got out unburnt, there is no scar but stars.

Father even when I fall short of your blessings, You bless me still. When I am not faithful and I waiver You remain Faithful, indeed  You do not act according to what I do (Romans 5:6-8). Your Word doesn't go out and return void. I thank You Lord, You deserve the glory, the honour and the praise. Mananjalo Nkosi empilweni yam'. I am grateful, thank you for closing the lions mouth and reminding the devil that You are the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and when You roar every situation dissapear without any trace. I am happy that you made this situation dissapear without a trace. What a Mighty God I serve. Na khensa Tatana

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Knowledge is Power-Know your status

On 29 June 2017,Dr Wisani Makhomisane posted on her facebook wall  about HIV/AIDS saying she doesn't understand the stigma against HIV. This post really hit home that we all affected by this virus whether self or family. The stigma is still in existence in 2017 and we bury our loved ones because of lack of knowledge. It is high time people stop discriminating those living with HIV/AIDS, the only fool is you who refuse to learn. Ignorance is a serious disease that is deadly.It is said knowledge is power.

I once heard a doctor say that treat everyone as if they are HIV positive because the only person you can trust is YOU, honestly only you know your ins and outs. Married or not ensure that you always have protected sex, if that is not possible to use condoms because they are men who loves emotionally blackmailing women at least both of you make VCT testing a priority. The public clinics offers testing for free and if you want to do it in the comfort of your own house, tests are sold at pharmacies and Clicks, do yourself a favor and take charge of your health by knowing your status.

Stats say most married men are positive and girls between the ages of 14-25 years old and I asked myself how come and my answer is that married men are used to not using condoms with their wives so when they cheat they have that mentality and usually they cheat with young girls who are easily influenced not to use condoms and chances are that young girl has her single boyfriend as she knows that Blesser is married and not fully available yet they go skin to skin. Their reasoning is that condoms are like sweets, how can one eat a wrapped sweet which the logic is twisted. Men are naturally selfish being so women don't be naive, wise up. Remember these Stats are only for those who got tested.

No one has HIV written on their foreheads so take ownership of your sex life and health. Most people were infected by someone they trusted, let's stop this belief that HIV is for the promiscuous. We have lots of people who only sleeps with one person but got infected.

HIV has since became an manageable disease, that do not kill. People must stop looking at it as if it is a death sentence. Like I have said we know someone who is infected and how we respond to the news says a lot about us. Cancer is non-manageable or else it was discovered in the early stages but HIV even if the CD4 count is low taking medication ARV as per prescription and leading a healthy life people get to live even longer. Being scared of what people will say when they see you taking the meds will kill you cause the people that you are scared of might be even positive the difference is you know your status and you are taking charge of your life and the other don't know their status. Once you are off pills and you are sick those people you were scared of will know that you are positive and will be mocking you even more that you are a fool not to take medication and live.

I have met people in my life that are angry with the world and are on an infecting spree, yes people will be infected but you are actually sending yourself to your early grave. One can still have sex but must have protected sex, take medication and aim for an undetectable viral load.

Traditional healers all they want is money, they will tell you all the mumbo jumbos and give you herbs and tell you, you have been bewitched blah blah. If you strongly believe in those it is fine but make sure you take the ARVs along with your herbs cause lots of deaths were caused by these beliefs.

There are lots of HIV campaigns and December the 1st has been set aside for awareness but we still have deaths. This is one topic people hate and this is a life saving topic. We as people need to get off our comfort zone and educate ourselves. I find it disturbing if a mother will be angry at a teenager being pregnant, a baby should be less of our concern cause baby can still be raised and mommy go back to school. As parents we should be concerned that our children are having unprotected sex.

How I wish the government can freely give the preventative meds for free (PrEp) same as they give condoms and ARVs for free. People have idolized sex that abstinence has become very impossible. We have pregnancy preventative pills that are freely issued. As Africans we have proven that even without finances we can still raise kids so let's be proactive and free issue PrEp. However PrEp does not replace condoms one can must both.

One can ask how come Kulani knows a lot, to answer your question is that I am not allergic to reading especially topics that finish our people. My prayer is that God heal every HIV infected person and end this disease like He did leprosy in the bible. God has promised us in Psalms 91 that such diseases won't come near our tent. Today I wanted to encourage someone who is living with HIV or affected by HIV. Those infected, please do take medication if it makes you sick go back to the clinic so that they change your medication until they find the right medication for you but in my belief just like any medication when it kicks in it makes one sick until it gets used to your system. Those that are affected, be a pillar of strength and offer both emotional and physical support, your loved one needs you.

Those that are mocking, remember that the last laugh is the loudest so make sure that it won't be on you.

South Africa has been said to have the highest HIV rate, we can take control only if we unite and do this. Get tested, know your status and do the right thing. If positive take meds,use condoms and stay healthy, if negative continue using condoms and test.

These posts must not wait for 1 December, it must be shared everytime

Useful links:

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Greatest Love

As the world is celebrating valentine's day which others refuse to celebrate based on their beliefs and history concerning this day. I am reminded that there are people in relationships whether marriages or dating that are waiting to hear something from their loved ones but will sleep disappointed because their loved ones are busy with life and do not value them as much as they do. As I was listening to R.Kelly "Looking for love" I am in agreement that we look for love from our partners and we try very hard to please them whilst we lose our true selves.

We see lots of people being desperate to be loved, others have hopped from one relationship to the others,others have stayed in abusive marriages where the husband is a serial cheater or a beater. It is very sad that this desperation is mainly seen in women than men. We are easy targets of heart break.

When all else have failed, when you have been called all names even after sacrificing everything.Remember that there is a man who loves you unconditionally and thought you are worth dying for. One who is never leave nor forsake you.One who holds you in high esteem.One who is constantly thinking about you. One who protects you day and night. That Man is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, today He is asking you to stop knocking in wrong doors and degrading yourself by fighting with women. He is saying you will never fight for my attention, I have time for you.

All you need to do is open your heart and let Him in. He doesn't care how broken you are, for He is able to mend that broken heart. He will turn all your scars into stars. He will not fault find you but will correct you with love and patience. This is the greatest love of all, no husband nor boyfriend will ever love you this way. All they are interested in is what you are bringing to the table and your body.All He is interested in is your bleeding heart.

He is saying my daughter come home, let me LOVE you.Just give Him a chance. The best gift is awaiting you today "SALVATION"

Happy Valentine's day to all beautiful ladies out there.I love you but Jesus Christ loves you more.
Stay blessed

Thursday, February 9, 2017

The blame game

It is in the nature for men to play blame games with women. This began at the garden of Eden,let's read Genesis 3:11 And he said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?”
12The man said, “The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”

The Question God asked was simple and deserved a simple answer which is Yes or No but because it is in the nature for men to be defensive Adam's answer was shifting the blame from him to the wife.
With this being said, let's look at today's living. Men go out and cheat and when caught the first answer is "you pushed me away, you made me do this."

In all honesty men cannot own up to their own wrongdoings, it is always someone who made them do it.I read this scripture over and over again to want to find out where Eve held a weapon against Adam to force him to eat the forbidden fruit and I did not come across it.He was a willing participant.Wives stop making excuses for your cheating husbands saying the other girl seduced him/stole him away from you even if that was the case your husband was also a willing participant or else ofcourse he was raped. We are always fighting with each other, calling each other numbers where else the culprit is being pampered with love and helped hide the misconduct. Oh shame what was my poor husband going to do when that b... threw herself at him? Simple, your poor husband was supposed to have kept his zip up and left with dignity. I always say if he was given love portion, how did he get to eat it? because he gave the woman a chance by eating her food or by being in her company. She is calling him because he gave her numbers and if he did not give her should she call and he refuse to entertain her she will eventually give up but if he entertains her and giving her rules on when to call/sms because he is married he is giving her hope.WOMEN STOP MAKING EXCUSES FOR MEN.

Men master the art of brainwashing women. He physically abuses you and blames you. I did not want to do it but you forced me because you cannot shut up.Then you go to your friends and tell them he hit me but I made him do it because I just don't shut up.Real men protect their women, you will bark like a dog and they will look at you and walk away when calm they address the issue.Men will never appreciate women if we continue to MAKE EXCUSES FOR THEM.

Ladies the battle is always won in the mind, men have learnt this and are using it to damage women. As long as we still glorify their wrongs and sweep under the carpet and accept that it is all your fault so that they clear their own conscious we will continue to raise broken spirited women who feel unworthy because they are blamed for everything.

You have an argument he goes out and drink his lungs out,meet up in an accident and guess what?You made me do it, if you did not fight with me I wouldn't have left the house to go and drink like really now what was wrong with him going to bed early when angered? We need women who will say Yes I hear you but you acted the way you did out of your own free will, own up to your choices I am not your dustbin where you will dump all unwanted rotten things I too,I am human and deserve to be respected. You made your bed then lie on it. God even after Adam's answer did not pat him on the back, He punished him.

Let's stop succumbing to abuse.Like I said with men it is in their nature, all we have to do is not allow them to brain wash us into thinking we are at fault and live life with a guilt trip.Every choice you make has consequences whether good or bad. Let's not get used to being abused.People must take accountability of their wrongs, don't carry unnecessary loads it will send you to your early grave.Remember it takes TWO to tango and two wrongs will never make a right. If your husband thinks you did something wrong, he must just talk to you about it not adding fuel to a burning veld.

Friday, January 6, 2017


I have promised that I will blog about divorce.This is a very sensitive issue as honestly marriage is not pap 'n vleis and I respect the decision of every person who ends up divorcing and not judgemental. I just have to share this.

Question: "Why does God hate divorce?"

Answer: Malachi 2:16 is the oft-quoted passage that tells how God feels about divorce. "'I hate divorce,' says the Lord God of Israel." But this passage says much more than that. If we back up to verse 13, we read, "You cover the Lord’s altar with tears, with weeping and groaning because he no longer regards the offering or accepts it with favor from your hand. But you say, 'Why does he not?' Because the Lord was witness between you and the wife of your youth, to whom you have been faithless, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant. Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth."
We learn several things from this passage. First, God does not listen to the pleas for blessing from those who have broken the covenant of marriage. First Peter 3:7 says, "Husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered" (emphasis added). There is a direct correlation between the way a man treats his wife and the effectiveness of his prayers.
God clearly explains His reasons for esteeming marriage so highly. He says it was He who "made them one" (Malachi 2:15). Marriage was God's idea. If He designed it, then He gets to define it. Any deviation from His design is abhorrent to Him. Marriage is not a contract; it is a covenant. Divorce destroys the whole concept of covenant that is so important to God.
In the Bible, God often provides illustrations to teach spiritual realities. When Abraham offered his son Isaac on the altar, it was a picture of the day, hundreds of years later, that the Lord God would offer His only Son on that same mountain (Genesis 22:9; Romans 8:32). When God required blood sacrifices for the forgiveness of sin, He was painting a picture of the perfect sacrifice He Himself would make on the cross (Hebrews 10:10).
Marriage is a picture of the covenant God has with His people (Hebrews 9:15). A covenant is an unbreakable commitment, and God wants us to understand how serious it is. When we divorce someone with whom we made a covenant, it makes a mockery of the God-created concept of covenant relationship. The Church (those individuals who have received Jesus as Savior and Lord) is presented in Scripture as the “Bride of Christ” (2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 19:7-9). We, as His people, are "married" to Him through a covenant that He established. A similar illustration is used in Isaiah 54:5 of God and Israel.
When God instituted marriage in the Garden of Eden, He created it as a picture of the greatest unity human beings can know (Genesis 2:24). He wanted us to understand the unity we can have with Him through redemption (1 Corinthians 6:17). When a husband or wife chooses to violate that covenant of marriage, it mars the picture of God’s covenant with us.
Malachi 2:15 gives us another reason that God hates divorce. He says He is "seeking godly offspring." God's design for the family was that one man and one woman commit themselves to each other for life and rear children to understand the concept of covenant as well. Children reared in a healthy, two-parent home have a far greater likelihood of establishing successful marriages themselves.
When Jesus was asked why the Law permitted divorce, He responded that God had only allowed it "because of the hardness of your hearts, but from the beginning it was not so" (Matthew 19:8). God never intended divorce to be a part of human experience, and it grieves Him when we harden our hearts and break a covenant that He created.