My sisters how many times have we limited God?How many times have we acted like Jonah(Jonah 1vs1-5).Sometimes we lose our way and do our will and we often see ourselves losing direction and power(power to pray and power to read the word of God,power to do His will).You cannot do anything by your own might nor power my dear sister,you need the power of the Holy spirit to guide youfor His thoughts are higher than our thoughts Isaiah 55vs8.
Stop limiting God my sisters in the Lord,psalm 78vs41 "Yea,they turned back and tempted God and limited the Holy One of Israel.How do we Christians limit God is one may ask.Your answer is by backsliding.When you backslide you limit God to use you,to guide you,to protect you,to provide for you etc.You open the door to the devil to do whatever he wanted to do with your life since birth and then when all goes wrong you blame God.His word guarantees us and He doesn't change meaning He stays the same and His promises remains the same but we change and run away from His presence where we leave His protection and when we fall we start blaming and cursing God.Psalm 78:30-38 Our Father is full of compassion,when you fall down GET UP AND DUST YOURSELF,DON"T STAY DOWN my sister for we serve a merciful God who do not hold grudges.When you walk with Our Heavenly Father do not try to hold His hand cause you will fall rather let Him hold your tiny hand and allow Him to lead as He knows the way.Tell me here when you were still a child and you were walking with your father to the shops or where ever,were you holding his hand or was he holding your hand?He was holding my hand and I knew I was safe.Do not let the devil remind you of your past cause "Him who knew not sin he has made sin for us that we might become God's righteousness in Him"2 Corinthians 5:21.Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts and let him return unto the Lord and He will have mercy upon him and Our God for He will abundantly pardon Isaiah 55:7.
I do not care why you blackslided my sister I only care about you\we returning to God,let Him wash you with the blood of the Lamb.When you run away from Him who do you think will inherit what He had put for us?He did that so that we must inherit.We are blessed for our sins were paid for in full,we are debt free.Our Daddy loves us so much that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.When we return unto the Lord there is joy in heaven,remember the story of the prodigal son,when he returned his father threw him the biggest party.Forget what you did when you were in the wilderness for Our Father is a merciful Father,do not look down on yourself,take your cross and follow God.
Stay under the wings of the Almighty.
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